World Map

World Map

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Nizhny Novgorad...

We rolled into Nizhny Novgorod much later than we shoul have.  Running in the dark and rain is always a bad idea.  Weather, traffic and road construction made the 675 km we put in take longer than it should have - a common theme in Russia we should be used to.  In the US this distance could be covered in 6 hours - today we were on the road for 11 hours.

Since it was dark and raining we grabbed the first hotel the GPS gave us on the edge of town.  When we went to the desk to inquire we were asked if we want 24 hours or 12 hours in the room - ok maybe a bit sketchy.  We paid for the room and went out to unload the bikes and in rolls a sedan and out pops a couple of scantly clad Russian women who then appear to be "negotiating" with a couple of guys outside the establishment next door.  Another women comes out the same door wearing an extremely short skirt - ok seems we found the seedy part of town. No restaurants nearby so we grab a couple of beers from the shop next door and bust out the camp meals.  Tomorrow we hit the road early to breat the morning rush hour in Nizhny Novgorod and evening rush hour in Moscow - a 400 km ride.

Morning rush hour.

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