World Map

World Map

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bush Camp Outside Songino...

Another tough day today of off road with a few nasty deep sand sections. I only crashed once today is an improvement over my three crash day yesterday. This crash tweaked my right leg a bit - I put my foot down to try to save it and the back if my right calf slammed up against the pannier. I'll be limping for a few days from that hit. At least I'm now balanced as my left shoulder is what took the hit yesterday. I think I'm getting better in the light sand but the deep stuff is still killing me. The rough roads (dirt tracks) also take a toll on the body and mind. There is very little relaxing behind the bars as there could be a giant rock, pothole or sand pit around any corner or over any rise. Full concentration on the road is necessary. Mongolia is hard.

We got to the small of Songino around 7pm pretty beat up and exhausted. We were hoping to find a guesthouse or Ger camp to stay the night but the options were slim. The only guesthouse was locked and appeared to have gone out of business. We searched and asked but could not find the Ger camp we had heard was there. So we rode a few clicks out of town and saw a small pump house for watering livestock that could serve as a wind break. The wind was howling and we there were no trees or anything else in sight that could give protection so we set up there. Even with the wind break within minutes of setting up my tent it was filled with fine sand. We cooked dinner (more noodles) behind the shed and went to bed early. While we were cooking about a half dozen Yak came over to the watering hole so we figured we would have company in the morning. Luckily the wind had died down considerably at that point. It rained a bit overnight but nothing significant. It is a very dry climate at around 6000 ft. - even though this is the rainy season that only means 2 inches of rainfall average for August.

We were awaken by the sound of motorbikes in the early morning. The owners of the pump house had come to fire up the generator and water the Yaks. Soon cows and horses came over for a drink as well. The ranchers didn't mind us camping there and in fact we chatted (basically in sign language) and shared coffee for a few hours. They were of course interested in the bikes and our journey. Ken showed his picture book and they were excited to see he was a farmer. Was definitely an interesting morning. It may get more interesting once we head out and find out what last nights rain did to the roads.

The long dusty road ahead.

Ken and Mark during a quick stop.

Mark asking a local directions.

Three tents huddled up against the fence to brake the crazy wind last night.

Mark's crash in the sand.  This was some tough stuff to ride in!

My sand crash.

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